I am not receiving my test campaign.

There are a few reasons you might not receive test campaigns. Below are some common issues with test emails and tips on how to troubleshoot them.

More Time is Needed

Email client such as Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail can delay deliery of bulk mail to your inbox by as much as 24 hours. If you have not received your test or preview email, be sure you have allowed enough time for your webmail program to deliver it.

Your Email was Marked as Spam

There are several reason why your emails might deliver to spam folder

Corporate Spam Filters and Firewalls
Corporate spam firewalls can be especially strict when it comes to test messages. When you send a test email to multiple recipients at a company, it can look like a spam attack. 
Corporate emails clients also tend to flag mail that has the same "To" and "From" email address. We recommend you send test emails to personal or free email accounts, such as Yahoo/ Gmail.


Test Content and Spam Filters

It might seem logical to include words like “test” or “testing” in your test email subject lines but these can actually trigger spam filters.


Sender Email Address

Try changing 'FROM Email Address' Delivery may hamper if your sender domain address is listed in RBL.

General Test Email Tips

We recommend that you always send test campaigns to as many common email servers as possible, such as Yahoo or Gmail, in addition to your personal or corporate account to determine if it's a problem with just one email server.